Friday, January 21, 2011

Few Days Off for a Restart

Ok... so apparently I know a lot about organic foods and this and that... but don't know sh*t when it comes to the appropriate diet for my body.

So I have to restart my Isagenix diet on Monday. Take a few days off and regain strength because, guess what? I was starving myself to malnutrition and turned into a balloon of water!

Last night was horrible. Not sure if you've noticed in my previous blog posting for most of this week, but I didn't speak too much about my weight and how I felt because quiet honestly, I was hitting rock bottom and didn't know how I felt about it. Yes, I went and ate chicken fingers, etc... and that definitely did not help my situation.

My daily schedule at the beginning (first week) was the same as this week, except I incorporated a hard-core workout too; which was the beginning of me falling into potentially serious health issues.

I still believe that Isagenix is key for a healthy lifestyle, as long as you are aware of a healthy diet; which I was not until someone enlightened me last night.

I would get up in the morning, have my shot of Ionix, a giant glass of water before I hopped in the shower and then my shake on the way to work. During my morning I wouldn't eat anything except tonnes of water and the Isasnacks and Isadelights; which technically don't even have a calorie count in them. Then for lunch, another shake and throughout the afternoon, nothing but water. Then I'd come home, starving and make a dinner of which I thought was appropriate... I had the right amount of veggies, protien (chicken or salmon) and organic brown rice. But the point I was completely missing was the sodium intake I was consuming with my dinner. I was putting salt on my chicken and using chicken broth to help with the taste of the rice. Well now that I know to look, I checked out the label on chicken broth and it has half my daily intake of sodium; when I shouldn't be having any!

Then I would wait until my food digested and then go down into the basement and do a hard-core workout that would burn 300 calories. Then have a big glass of water and snuggle until bedtime.

First mistake: I was starving myself and not taking in enough protein. Essential for a good diet. Then I was putting too much salt in my body; which makes you retain water and bloat. Then I was working out hard core and not giving my body the nutrients it needs afterwards to recooperate from the workout; which is why I am so sore from the workouts... my body was eating my muscles because I didn't have enough energy to burn during these workouts because my daily calorie intake was only 500! I should be consuming more than double that.

So, I'm sitting on the couch yesterday thinking "I feel bloated and fat because of the chicken fingers"... so I jumped on the scale and realized that I am weighing more now than I did when I started the diet! I looked in the mirror and saw a four-month pregnant belly. I am not joking people... I could easily be mistaken as pregnant.

I guess I was in denial... I figured since I'm already tiny, that a smaller diet would benefit me somehow. No... this is not the case!

I was running on empty, I had no energy and because I looked and weighed so big for this past week, I started eating less! This is when people get caught up in an eating disorder, EASILY. Luckily, I don't have the patience to allow myself to get that far and called up my consultant for the Isangeix and he instantly told me everything I am doing wrong and why my body is acting this way. I thought the shakes were giving me everything I needed, but they're not. They're simply giving me the nutrients and energy that I need so my body is in optimum health and also is allowing my body to cleanse the food I am putting into it and sifting thru all the toxins. There's a point to these shakes and cleanses... to be healthier. But a proper diet with it is essential. I had no clue! I should have looked this up.

So starting on Monday, I'm re-starting my diet properly.

Ionix shot in the morning. Glass of water. Shake.
Mid-Morning I will take my Accelorator and two hard-boiled eggs.
Lunch I will have a balanced meal with chicken, rice and veggies.
Mid-Afternoon I will have walnuts or some form of protein.
Dinner, I will come home, first work out and then take my shake; which will boost the energy I just burned and not allow my body to fall apart and bloat like a staving African child. Then a banana and juice (organic).
All mixed with lots of water to flush my system.

I was doing it wrong, oh so wrong.

I'm so embarassed for anyone who is reading this. You make such a large step in your health but end up back peddling. I wasn't even sure if I was going to write about this, but I figured a lot of people are interested in this diet and want to see how it pans out... and I assume some people are trusting me to give the right information so they can make a decision also. So I'm telling you - any diet... you must read up on it. You must stick by the rules, because I broke some and tried to compensate by eating less and I ended up exploding and feeling so horrible about myself and just overall health.

No, I do not have an eating disorder. I'm eating normally today, no shakes, nothing and so on for this weekend to regain the sugar and fat that I have completely lost the past week. My bloating has gone down considerably since this morning and I have energy.

The first week was perfect... I enjoyed it, I was feeling great, I was losing inches. I felt good... but when I incorporated the working out... was when it went downhill. I was burning calories I didn't have! It's like trying to drive across Canada on an empty tank of gas...

Anyway, I will keep you all posted.

Can we look at the positive and say "trial and error"?

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