Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Isagenix... Day... huh?

Okay, okay... okay. I may or may not have forgotten about my blog for the past week and a bit. Alright, I didn't forget, but I'm slightly frustrated and embasrassed that I put forth all this time, effort, suffering and money to this diet, write about it for all of those that are curious... and completely screw it all up.

Sure, we all make mistakes... but most people try and avoid big mistakes like that when you're posting it to the world in a blog that I'm slowly learning that a lot of people are reading. Luckily, I've heard nothing but good things - so that's nice :)

To all of my followers: thank you! Feel free to leave comments, I do like reading them :)

Okay, back of track! My diet... this Isagenix thing... gotta say, if you want to go by this diet stricly, like they suggest on every bottle, every mix and every pill you ingest - you're basically setting your life up for a very lonely few months. Anyone who has a partial social life (not even one where every weekend you go out drinking with your friends, or this or that) but even a slightly, one day a week, friendly drink for gossip... you're screwed. I've learned this. I tried and tried and tried to stay ontop of this diet so that I got the maximum results for all this money and starvation I put myself thru, only to realize that I can't do it so stricly!

I'm sorry, but the people who leave testimonies on the Isagenix website saying "I'm a mother of 4 and I just gave birth 2 weeks ago and have already lost 12 pounds!"

... Bullsh*t!

It's impossible. I have one baby, who's three years old, has snaggle teeth, is cross-eyed, furry and tries to eat people... and I can't even find the time to stick to this diet so closely! Even at work, where unless I trek to the basement of my building, stand in line for 10 minutes and buy a donut from Tim Horton's - it's actually hard to come across bad food. So, I'm lucky because if I bring in a healthy lunch (two hard-boiled eggs, salmon and an apple) it's not hard to stick to that and I'm still having a hard time sticking to this darn diet so strictly.

It is simply impossible for a monther of FOUR to be able to do this. Don't you feed your kids Kraft Dinner and french toast for the first 6 years of your kids life because you don't have time to cook huge healthy meals? Don't you forget to pluck your eyebrows for 7 months until your husband makes a comment about the bushes on your forehead because you're busy cleaning up puke, diarrhea and toys? HOW does anyone lose 12 lbs after having four kids. Bite me. That's not true.

So, what I'm trying to say is: This diet is very dependent on your ability to not go out, not do anything on weekends - because on weekends you cleanse and the only thing you're capable of doing is running to the bathroom every 20 minutes. Then for dinners during the week, you're stuck drinking a shake and a banana. That doesn't sound like a nice anniversary dinner with your fiance. Or Valentines Day? No steak for me, I'll drink this water and suck on the lemon...

Details about this diet you don't think about when you look at the big picture and read all these testimonies about how all these people lost pounds and pounds of weight. It's either:
A) They were fairly large to begin with and 12lbs is nothing compared to their overall body fat%
B) They have no life, no dating life, social life, fiance, boyfriend, husband, friends or children. So basically you're looking for a successful story from Britney Spears since she stopped the drug addiction (what ever happened to her?!)
C) You cheated!

I did my second cleanse on Saturday and it wasn't horrible like the last time. I just took shots of the cleansing stuff rather than taking the oz. and mixing it with water. Then I drank water all day. I painted the living room which kept me occupied. Painted one wall, went pee, painted the next wall, went pee, etc. You know how it goes...

I also helped load our 300 lbs mantel into the flatbed part of some farmers truck. That was fun, especially when half the weight of the mantel was on my fingers, crushing them and I had to pull my hands from underneath leaving chunks of my knuckles on the bed of his truck. Seriously, I saw remeninse (sp?) of it there... wicked. And my hand is still swollen and slightly grey (purple type-ish color). I thought for sure I broke my entire hand, but once the guy left, I walked into the house and realized that without much pain, I was able to move my whole hand. It just got huge by twice the size and is still extremely stiff, but... I'm dealing with it. Possibly just some trauma to my poor hand :(

... So that day was fun...

So far this week (it's Tuesday) I've been eating my salmon out of a can. Lots of professor's are making comments about the smells seeping out of my office. In the morning it smells like I sh*t myself because of my hard boiled eggs and then at lunch it smells like a fish hatchary, lol. Splendid. I also bought organic peanut butter yesterday! Tried it, FANTASTIC! It tastes just like peanuts. There's no sweetness to it. This sh*t is amazing and everyone should enjoy it's pureness. This is amazing stuff.

So I have that today with celery too. Excited to try them two together :)

Okay, so that's my newest blog posting.

Onto another topic: Wedding. It's less than 6 months away. As they say "you're life will end when you say "I DO". You know... I love hearing that!

I'm going to make sure that when someone I know is about to embark on one of the biggest events in their life, something that a girl has thought about since the day they saw the first pretty white gown, with sparkles and dimaonds all over, with that beautiful long train, where you commit to one another for the rest of your life on this planet... I'm going to make sure that the first thing that comes out of my mouth is something that will disappoint them to no tomorrow. And I'll make sure that they are aware that 50% of marriages fail! Why am I saying this? Because I can't even count how many times in the past six months I have heard this stupid crap! Thanks, I'm so glad that everyone can't just congratulate me, but remind me of the negative things from other people on this planet, from people who get married too young and realize 4 months after that it was a big mistake, how fun divorces are and how you will be robbed of all your money in the process. How people change and you don't know who you are and your husband doesn't know who he is. I'm sorry, but in my opinion (and yes, definitely in some situations this is not the case but... from what I've seen) people give up too easily. Divorces happen way too often. I see people divorce because of money. MONEY?! Why? Why are you competing with the world on who makes more and why, oh why is this splitting up that never ending love you promised each other for eternity. Why are people being selfish and going off and cheating?! This is another reason why so many divorces take place, cheating. This isn't a blow to men more than women or vis-versa... but all-in-all, why did you marry someone that doesn't do it for you?? And sure, over time, after kids certain things sag, weight is gained, eyebrows arent' plucked... but at the end of the day, even if Darrin got fat, lost all his hair and lost his job, I'm so in love with this man that I couldn't just walk away and sleep with another man.

That's just my opinion though. Clearly with the amount of divorces and cheating that's going on - I could be alone on this. But that's one of my opinions.

Coming from a family that recently split up, there are good causes/reasons for two people to not be together. You cannot force someone to stay in a relationship that isn't healthy. Without going into details, I'm glad my parents split up because it wasn't healthy and long-term effects of staying in something so potent would lead to self destruction. These are fine, this is where a person, over time, can no longer cope with life issues, life stresses and things from the past. These are issues that would have happened regardless of marriage and who they're married to. So you can't justify that. The only thing worth justifying is:
A) You can't stay with someone like that, you will die inside
B) I'm not that person, in that relationship - so stop comparing me and commenting on how divorces are just as fun as the wedding planning and then wish me luck
C) I don't give up... if there's an issue in my relationship with the man I love, luckily we have the communication skills to be able to sit down, discuss the issue and find a fix for it.
D) I've been to hell and back about 18 times... I know what it takes to have a healthy and successful marriage and I will not back down from it. I will not give up and I will love forever.

I heart Tracey... she asked me to write it in my blog. You're welcome, Tracey.

The End.

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