I am currently snuggled up on my big comfy chair, with Billie dreaming and kicking next to me while I watch the Monday night show, The Bachelor.
I understand why women watch this show... when it first came out I was all about it. The drama, the passion, the dates, the sexy men bulging with muscles who appear so perfect it seems unnatural... and seeing girls falling head-over-heels for these perfect males looks like a great show to watch!
But now, as it's what, the tenth season... I've come to the realization that this show is utterly retarded and demented.
Let's look at this show realistically...
How on EARTH do you find "love" when you have camera's with bright lights, producers, writers and make up artists dusting your nose between takes?? It seems hard enough to fall in love these days with economy issues, family issues and trust issues most women have from past relationships. How, HOW can a woman put herself on national television to find love? How many dates do these woman have before they would be proposed to?? THREE, FOUR? How can you know if you love someone, knowing that it's all for show for television and people's entertainment? Knowing that the man you're fighting for is seeing another woman, kissing her and falling for her every night he's not with you?
How can a true relationship's foundation be based on a reality tv show?
Yes, Kate and Ryan or whoever those people are got married and have two cute little kidlets... but lets face it - Ryan is quite the push over and probably is dominated by her and has no choice but to stick around for the purpose of media.
How can you sit in a bathtub, surrounded by candles and rose peddles (clearly created and prepared by the producers of the show), kiss and "fall in love" with the man in the bathtub with you? How can you listen to a woman say "it felt like it was just the two of us that night, I'm so falling in love with him." WHAT?! I can't even feel intimate with my boyfriend when my damn dog is in the room, let along making out in my bathing suit, in a bubble bath with cameras and North America watching me.
All these "dates" are set up, all the conversations are planned but the content depends on the character who's carrying on this conversation.
ALSO, who picks the Bachelor? Why does he have to be so "perfect"?? Why can't we choose a typical guy who's hairy and has an inner tube around his belly from drinking too much beer, who works in a sports store selling shoes and is trying to get by in an apartment paying off student loans? Why are the women so perfect? Clearly he is going to fall in love with any of these chicks, they're gorgeous, dressed in Gucci, perfect long hair and fake eye lashes. This isn't how people fall in love! This isn't how "God" intended it to be.
Why not have a show that have women with REAL problems, like SERIOUS PMS problems, or zits on their face and cellulite on their ass. Women who are afraid of water or swear on a regular occasion? Why have women and men with PERFECT teeth, why can't they carry on a conversation with lettuce in their teeth while the Bachelor can't stop laughing and won't tell her why when she asks. THAT'S what a real guy would do. Why have a guy who considers himself "perfect"... come on... guys fart, so do girls - but in this show... dear god, I'm sure it would be cut out and suddenly the girls leaves the show for career purposes... I bet that's why it happens... she pulls off a fart during dinner...
Why fill our heads with the idea that life can be THIS perfect WITHOUT camera's in our face. It's soooo fake!
Grr, I'm mad.
It worries me that teenagers can watch this and actually convince themselves that once they hit college that they will find a guy this perfect. Sorry ladies... such a guy doesn't exist... not unless in front of cameras.
Start preparing our children for the inevitable bingeing a beer just to let out the biggest burp you've ever heard and then expect a high five for their Olympic sizes belch. Life isn't like they show on TV and neither is love. Although we all wish it was, it isn't. Love is an unconditional thing; which is why couples manage to stay together even after smelling their partners stinky farts that literally leaving you gasping for air.
Right now, I'm watching to people eat face on the beach in bathing suits during a sun set. Sure this can happen... but seriously... how can you feel intimate enough to feel true feelings when you kiss someone knowing that your parents are going to see this when it finally airs on television.
Sorry, cough cough bullshit.
First off, believeing in love with the perfect person will never fade!
ReplyDeleteThis is "reality TV", people are acting, and we want to watch certain "characters". How could an actual realistic show survive. No one wants to see men fart etc. because we can see that by looking across the room. It's all for ratings, like any other "reality" show.
Think back to your post about Toddlers in Tiaras, sadly, people watch this stuff, and the rating sky rocket. I will however admit, that I do not watch this show, Survivor, Big Brother, etc. I much prefer to watch shows with crimes of any type, so maybe I am no better off!!!
Yes, its sad entertainment. I'm a victim of it, kinda. I love watching shitty reality tv shows. I call it my dirty confession.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I do not agree that the Bachelor or the women are perfect.
Sure, he might have a 12 pack stomach and pretty blue eyes and perfect teeth but they also have their make up and hair and wardrobe done every second before a take. Like you addressed above.
Keep that in mind.
Their zips, blemishes, unevened skin tones etc are all evened out by loads of make up and the biggest cover up for flaws is the lighting. The proper film lighting can make you look like perfection.
Aside from how they look to the naked eye, the Bachelor is pathetic. Desperate and ridiculous. No one talks the way he does. He's not perfect! If he was perfect, he'd be taken already. Clearly he has major issues.
The women are the exact same. I do not envy them. I just watch the show and bet on who's the winner. I get $5 if its Vienna because Mike thinks it's Tenley.
I think you took my blog post the wrong way. I wasn't talking about how everything shouldn't be perfect for our entertainment... my whole reason for this was to just shine light on how impossible it is to fall in love with all the camera's, fakeness, etc.