Saturday, February 6, 2010

Toddlers in Tiaras

It's Saturday night and since my wonderful boyfriend (no sarcasm) is away at hockey every weekend, I look forward to having my alone time in front of the TV, snuggling on my big comfy couch, reading books and drinking wine.
At first I found it hard to cope with not having my boyfriend around every weekend, as this is the time to have fun and hang out without a bedtime/curfew to stick by for the following morning of work (weekdays). But I've come to realize that I will not spend time or energy trying to change the man I love... He clearly love this sport, he's been playing since he was 3 and I want him to have a hobby that he enjoys. I can't expect him to stay home every night and not get sick of it... so off he goes to hockey, I wish him luck every time with a hug and kiss.
No, I do not go anymore... the gossip and crazy-ass girlfriends have made me believe that there are some serious psycho's out there that have nothing better to do... so I just stay away from the drama and enjoy my time at home :)
Anyway, the whole reason to this post...
I'm watching TLC Toddlers in Tiaras... it's a show about families that put their young daughters into pageants to win money, crowns and sometimes even puppies.
This is the first time I've ever watched this show, and though there are many other channels to watch - I have decided to give it a try and give it the benefit of the doubt.
This is where my opinion runs thick. Who does this? Who teaches their 4 -10 year old children that it is okay to compete to be the prettiest girl in the room. I'm a firm believer that everyone is beautiful in their own way... it doesn't matter if you have a big nose, or thick eyebrows - it works for you, it makes up your face and to me, makes up the difference in everyone. I'm a strong believer that everyone has a beautiful smile regardless of teeth, bad breath or wrinkles... your smile tells a story of who you are and where you've been... and also where you're from.
How can these mothers, authority figures teach these girls that you HAVE to win to be the prettiest girl? These poor little girls shave their legs, wear high heels, have FAKE TEETH, wear lip gloss, foundation, mascara, hair spray and dance around in something so slutty - I wouldn't even wear it to the bar! Not joking either.
I think it's appalling. Unappealing that these girls look so damn fake you want to laugh at them. The fact that for months a year, these girls are ridiculed by their parents and JUDGES to be the most beautiful. I'm sorry, but what long-term effects will this have on these young girls... psychologically, a girl growing up constantly in costume, prancing around in bathing suites and being awarded the prettiest girl, or with the nicest smile, or with the best eyes... what happens when puberty hits and they grow out of this beauty? What happens if they lose?! This can and most likely will be a harsh reality when these girls grown up and learn that they aren't as perfect without their make up on.
I think it's sad that these poor little girls are bawling their little eyes out while their mum's yell at them to smarten up and get on with the show... CLEARLY these little ladies don't want to do this, why force them??
Yes, given, some of these girls have grown to enjoy getting dressed up and perform on stage for a grand here or there... but what long term effects will this make?
This isn't a sport, and unfortunately isn't teaching these girls a single thing but to be self centered.
I find what's more unreal is that its so forced... how do you force your child to do something so invasive (fake teeth, mascara, TANNING) and think it's ok?? It makes me mad. It's a fulfillment to the mothers who are putting their children through these pageants... which is sad in itself.
I feel guilty watching this show to be honest... I won't watch it again. I thought maybe when I turned it on that it isn't what people make it seem... that the kids actually do enjoy it... I was wrong and I can't understand the motivation of a parent to pull out a childs baby teeth and put a bridge in their mouth. My goodness, what's next?


  1. I'll admit, I've watched it...but there isn't much else on at 3am when Sloan wants to nurse. Everytime I watch it I tell Sloan that I will never, ever do that to her!it's pretty outrageous how crazy some of the Mothers and "coaches" can get!
    That picture is going to haunt me!
    p.s. They're called flippers, not fake teeth, geez, get with the industry lingo Charlie!

  2. Great post Ingalls!!!!
    I devoted my Saturday this weekend, to watching TV ALL day! I watched this show, and have seen it before, and it intrigues me. I do however, agree that this is completely WRONG! Parents make all the choices for their children at this age, it is not the child's idea to participate. I am amazed that while the mother being interviewed she states that her child loves the pageants, yet at the same time, she is practically sitting on him restraining his limbs so that he can't escape!!!
    I have very strong opinions on plastic surgery, and it makes you wonder what comes next when these girls and boys get older, especially since they already are under the impression that you have a "flipper", a spray tan, hair extensions, fake lashes, etc. AND.....children do not understand the value of money. Most are happy with a quarter. Funny how their winnings pay for hotel rooms, $1000 dresses, fuel, etc.
    (Sorry, that got long!!!)

  3. Actually, I think they are called flappers!!!

  4. You're right Randi they are called flappers. I love that show only because it reminds me that I'm a great parent who gives my child options to do certain things. If he doesn't want to do someting I don't push it unless it's potty training. I will still probably continue watching the show only for that reminder though.
    I must admit that I love most of the shows on TLC. I know I'm a nerd.

  5. Apparently I'm not up on my industry lingo! lol
