Ok, so this is going to come off extremely weird and psycho to anyone who doesn't believe in the after life... trust me.
This is a long story:
In June, I was on kijiji.ca (the best site, ever) and found a beautiful Bible. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not come from a religious family - if anything, my father despised religion and churches, etc. I remember one Christmas we all sat at the dinner table in Point Clark and as a joke Laura and I held hands and attempted to thank the Lord for this beautiful day, for the food on the table and for our family. Before we could even finish saying "Dear Lord, thank you for..." my dad was snapping and telling us that we're nuts and to shut up.
I have never ever had a passion to read a bible, let alone buy one. If you go on kijiji and type in Bible, you'll come across a lot that are typical and just the regular bible you see in hotel rooms. I didn't even search for this bible, I wasn't out looking for one, I had no intentions of buying it. One day, I saw this Bible... it was beautiful. The family was asking $300 for it... that's a lot. So I emailed them and asked if they would take it for $150... they hummed and hawed about it for a few days and then admitted that they would take the Bible for $150 because they needed the money for health issues in the family.
The lady came by to our house to drop it off and she brought in this... 20 pound, beautiful leather 1883 Bible. Not something I was expecting. I was expecting it to be the size of a regular bible, just older. But this thing is HUGE.
We knew nothing about the Bible. I didn't ask the owners anything about it because I simply purchased it thinking I could see it for a lot more. When I was looking at the Bible and emailing back and forth with the current owners at the time, I looked on ebay to compare and there were bibles just like the one I was about to purchase going for up to $14,000. So I thought I struck a gold mine. McD and I both put in $75 each to make up for the $150 and both agreed that I would sell it for $500 or more and split the profit.
The lady was sitting on the chair as she handed us this beautiful piece of history... the first page is "Presented to my Wife: Isabella Campbell. Kincardine, ON".
Darrin and I were both blown away. The owner that was selling us the Bible had no idea where Kincardine was... and couldn't believe that Darrin and I both grew up there and somehow found this Bible to be in our home, ready to purchase.
Darrin and I took some time to get familiar with the book... we looked thru it and found a Births and Deaths page... documentation of the Campbell family history. William H. J. Campbell married Isabella and had numerous children:
Mary Bell Campbell, born Dec. 23, 1902
James Hunter Campbell, born Mar. 25, 1904
Jean Barckay Campbell, born Nov. 9, 1905
Annie Murchaison Campbell, born Sept. 17, 1910
John Linklater Campbell, born Sept. 18, 1916
William John Campbell, born July 17, 1875
Mary Fraser Hutton born, April 15, 1877
That very page has a drawing of two horses with math equations and William John Campbell's signature with the date of January 7, 1889.
Clearly this Bible was in a family for years to document all the births and deaths of one Campbell family.
The first week we had the Bible in our house, Darrin, Billie and myself were woken up on a weekday at 5 in the morning to loud voices. It was insane, the voices were so loud but you couldn't hear the words... it was muffled... but deep deep voices. The both of us sat up in bed trying to justify the sounds that we were hearing... Billie was growling. The voices weren't coming from the hallway, or Matty's room... but beneath us... in the floor. To this day, we still cannot justify those sounds... but we knew they were voices.
I grew a liking to this Bible... I became more intuitive with it and became attached.
I noticed weird things happening to me, and only me... things I can't explain. My name being called, to points where I would be laying in bed and respond thinking it was Darrin trying to get my attention... I felt things, like someone holding onto my arm to the point where it hurt... something sitting on my leg, etc. Insane things that could easily be considered something else... but what?
Since the main reason for purchasing this Bible was to sell it for profit... I posted it on kijiji for months and months, not getting a single inquiry about it until three weeks ago.
The kijiji ad was up for months with no takers, so I thought I would attempt to advertise it in a different light... I said it was haunted...
A man named Oliver contacted me asking about the Bible... he asked me if the hauntings that I was experiencing were bad or good. I assured him that the activity in my home does not scare me (which it hasn't) and that whatever it is doesn't mean any harm.
He asked me then in the email if he could come and see the Bible before he made the $500 purchase, of course I said yes. He said he was going to bring his wife and asked politely for me not to bring up that it was haunted - he didn't want her to know... I agreed. I initially thought it was because it might scare her and wouldn't want it in the house... and I'm thinking "keep your mouth shut, Charlie... this is a sweet $500!"
Two Friday's ago, he came over with his wife and 6 month old little girl - who was ADORABLE. He looked thru the Bible and said how beautiful it was and how great of shape it was in. He was so into it... he had the money in his hand in his jacket pocket and suddenly said "before I put money on the table, I'm going to talk to my wife about it and get back to you". Fine... go ahead, I totally understand.
The following Monday he calls me and said that his wife had no idea about it being haunted and instantly picked up on something... she said that there is something there but she's not intuitive enough to pick up what exactly it is. He asked if he could bring his mother-in-law by to come and take a look at the Bible as she isn't psychic but very intuitive with the afterlife. I became very intrigued... I became extremely excited and said "yes" to the very possibility of having someone come into my home and give me some answers.
40 minutes ago Oliver and his mother-in-law just left...
She was a beautiful and lovely woman... her name is Rose... she came in with smiles and was very happy to see me. She asked if it was okay to have a couple of minutes alone with the Bible to see if she could pick up on anything... I told her she and her son-in-law, Oliver, could go into the basement (this way I can see them leave if they left and can hear anything going on while I sit in the living room).
I sat on the couch in the living room watching tv, very uncomfortable... after all - there are two people in my house that I don't know... Suddenly, I hear crying, screaming and banging.
I turn the TV on mute and listen to this woman bawling her eyes out... I took Billie - who became extremely uncomfortable himself and stood by the stairs of the basement... At first I seriously thought they were ruining my basement, or having sex or something because she was breathing very hard and heavy... I stood at the stairs until I heard them come up the stairs.
Concerned as to what just happened in my house, Rose and Oliver came up the final steps from the basement and I asked if everything was okay. At that moment, Billie went psycho... like growling, barking and biting at the air. Oliver tried to calm him down by putting his hand out for Billie and Rose grabbed his hand and said "he knows, leave him b". HE KNOWS WHAT?!
She then told me that I cannot sell this Bible... she said there is a young boy... he's attached to this Bible and doesn't want it to be sold or go anywhere, that he's happy and feels safe with me...
Oliver then piped up and said, someone by the name of William was just talking to me thru Rose...
William John Campbell... he apparently died from being very ill, Rose said she could feel the pain he suffered from which was why she was crying. Apparently William knew that his Bible was up for purchase and came thru to tell Oliver (the man who was prepared to buy the Bible) that if he bought it, he would bring hell to his life.
I'm standing there, in my kitchen, watching this woman hyperventilate while I suddenly become shaky... so shaky that I couldn't even get her ice for the glass of water she requested to help her calm down.
I started asking questions like:
"Does he mean harm to me?" No
"Are there others around here?" Some come and go, but William is here and likes it here
She told me that he took over her to tell Oliver not to buy this Bible... she had no control but to be him... THIS HAPPENED IN MY BASEMENT!!!!! FML
She then asks me "did you know you have a gift?"... I said I've been experiencing unexplained things since I was 5 years old... seeing dark-ass shadows walk into my bedroom in Point Clark, hearing footsteps run into my bedroom, men walking past the bottom of the stairs, doors slamming shut, phones going off, my name being called, boys hanging over bridges and then not being there... she told me that I was born with a gift... the same gift that she has... but she is able to control it... I have yet to learn how. She said that when I feel, see or hear something... its not my imagination or something else - its something/someone trying to connect with me. Apparently ghosts/spirits (whatever you want to call them) can pick and choose people to communicate with, and the reason why I've been dealing with such activity my entire life is because they know I have this gift...
Rose also told me that the Bible was taken, not stolen, but taken from someone... (which would explain what happened and how I got it in the first place... the family clearly wasn't ready to get rid of it but had to because of money issues... and I took it for half the price they were looking to get for it)... she picked up on that. She said that William will stay with me until I ask him to leave....
So... I'm not selling my Bible anymore. Oliver said that he thinks that it was a chain reaction to me trying to sell the Bible... he found me and had this happen in order to not have the bible sell at all, as it would apparently bring hell to the person who would purchase it from me.
Oliver stood in my kitchen and begged me not to sell the Bible to anyone, ever.
I'm not scared, and I never was... but its now been an hour and I'm still uncontrollably shaking.
Its been verified that there is something around here and that I am not nuts and I am so very grateful that someone was able to justify all the things that I have seen, heard and felt in my lifetime.
Yes, think I'm nuts... after all, it's completely understandable to not believe someone if you haven't seen a ghost yourself; which a lot of people haven't.
My entire life I had stories of seeing things, hearing things, feeling things... and people seriously thought I was begging for attention... I wasn't... and it was such a hurtful thing to experience when you're 10 years old and hearing moaning and running footsteps into you bedroom late at night. My whole life I felt rather alone because I see these things and can't tell anyone because I don't want to be considered nuts or an attention seeker.
Now that I know I'm not nuts and that someone was able to talk with an entity that is in my life and verify all of this for me... it makes me feel so much better.
To everyone who is reading this... the "gift" that I apparently have isn't fake, it isn't a cry for people to look at me... it isn't a drug induced situation (not that I do drugs)... but this is very real. So real it feels surreal... I cannot explain it... and I just hope that with this blog entry you are all able to open your minds to my life and how it's been this entire time.
It's official, the Bible I found for no reason... was basically looking for me and is happy here...
I can't comprehend how I'm suppose to feel about this... should I feel nuts? Scared? Controlled? What?! How do I realize that this isn't a bad movie that will soon end in credits, but it's my life... me...
I knew I wasn't crazy!!!!!