Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tis the Season
I remember the days leading up to Christmas, the excitement, the Santa's, Reindeer, wish lists, cookies, turkey, and all the glitter and art work our teachers would have us create at school.
I miss cutting out Santa's head and using cotton balls as his beard, bringing it home as proud as can be and having it posted on the refrigerater door. I miss the days of getting out of class for an hour a day to sit on the gymnasium floor to sing Christmas songs. I miss dressing up in red and green for your last day of school before the holidays, or bringing in presents for your teacher (when home-made baked goods weren't frowned upon). Christmas concerts. Barbies. Tape players. The Grinch. Rudolph's Story. Home Alone. Hearing Santa on the radio on Christmas Eve. Leaving cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Waking your parents up at 6 o'clock in the morning! Stockings. Presents and then a whole day of play... family... turkey... Boxing Day sales...
I think I miss those days more than anything else in this world. I miss the simplicity of the Holiday; where you didn't have to worry about travel, money, weather... where all you got to do is get excited for presents, and Santa.
Where you made a wish list of only three things on it and that was your hardest task of the season... One year I wanted "Shopping Fun Barbie", so clearly - I asked for her. I also asked for my first tape player (with radio - even though Point Clark didn't get any reception) and for my Gramma to get better (she's been a trooper since I was in grade 2).
That year, Gramma was released from the Hospital and she bought us pencil sharpeners... I got the tap player that was a DOUBLE tap player and I played Ace of Base like nobody's business... and I may or may not have seen my Shopping Fun Barbie in my Mum's closet one day while she was working. The night before Christmas - I didn't sleep, I was so excited for my Barbie. When I opened up the present and saw her in her bright red high-heeled shoes, I fell in love. But like any child at that age - I played with her non-stop for a good week, got tired of her... and moved on...
Things aren't so fun anymore... but better in different ways. You enjoy more things at this time of year that aren't so materialistic. You don't focus on new toys... but on friends and family that mean the most. You get to remenice at gatherings, laugh and enjoy a hot cup of coffee with bailey's; while you live thru the excitement of your own children (or for my case, my friends children).
There are moments where I think of the times when I was a kid, and would almost pee my pants from excitement. I miss those days. When you're a kid, you don't sit back and soak the moments in... you just live thru them and wait for the next Christmas to come around. Now, I wish, just once - I could live Christmas like I did when I was a kid. Leave all the turkey cooking, Christmas shopping, working until the 24th crap and be a kid for just one more Christmas. Make a stocking from scratch and paint snowmen on it, covered in sparkles that resembles moreso a turd that came out of Billie's ass, than an actual snowman...
....That's my wish this year... to be a kid again, just one more time...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Engagement Story
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Good Point
This was written by a construction worker in Fort MacMurray...he sure
makes a lot of sense to me!
Read on...
I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my
taxes as it sees fit.
In order to earn that pay cheque, I work on a rig site for a Fort Mac
construction project, I am required to pass a random urine test, with
which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my
taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare cheque because I
have to pass one to earn it for them ... ?
Please understand - I have no problem with helping people get back on
their feet.
I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their
arse drinking beer and smoking dope.
Could you imagine how much money the provinces would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance cheque ... ?
Please pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't.
Hope you will pass it along though, because something has to change in
this country, and soon!
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Bachelor

I am currently snuggled up on my big comfy chair, with Billie dreaming and kicking next to me while I watch the Monday night show, The Bachelor.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
William John Campbell
Ok, so this is going to come off extremely weird and psycho to anyone who doesn't believe in the after life... trust me.
Monday, February 8, 2010
To My Sister

I'm such lucky person to have the best sister anyone could ask for. I know that, even if I wasn't able to speak... she would understand me in every way that she already does.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Toddlers in Tiaras
It's Saturday night and since my wonderful boyfriend (no sarcasm) is away at hockey every weekend, I look forward to having my alone time in front of the TV, snuggling on my big comfy couch, reading books and drinking wine.
Friday, February 5, 2010
When it rains... it pours
Thursday, February 4, 2010
One Year Anniversary
I can’t believe it’s been a year! I remember we were in the Royal LePage office with our real estate agent, Matt, signing the papers to our newly purchased home. I thought, for sure, the Darrin would be the nervous one... you know, the typical guy getting cold feet to a big commitment... boy was I wrong. Matt had to fetch me a glass of water to keep me from shaking and I was already sweating - sexy. It was the longest 3 hours of my life.
Thankfully, I pulled thru the insane hundreds of thousands dollar purchase with the thought “I could buy sooooo many shoes with this” in the back of my head. I’m so glad and proud of myself that I’ve done this. I pitty the fool who pays rent to someone else. I finally am paying rent into my own pocket that I will someday profit from. I’ll be debt and mortgage free faster and sooner than a lot of people my age, and for that, I’m thankful.
I don’t regret not doing the typical things of a teenager, or a young adult. It doesn’t bother me that I haven’t done those things... as a child and teenager, I always dated people older than me, hung out with people older than me, and acted older than my age, it’s who I am.
So many changes have taken place in our home already. No walls have been painted - though I do have some serious plans for that, but we have gained some nice pieces of furniture and antiques that I think, make our home one-of-a-kind.
I like to think that my taste in furnishings and home decor is different. I love the little additions I have added like my antique 1921 cherub lamps, my 1831 mantle clock, and my 1934 cedar hope chest, just to mention a few.
It’s amazing how much small things cost to make your home looking nice. Simple things like picture frames and blankets thrown over your couch cost money. When purchasing and decorating your first home, you learn a lot... like how much effort and how long it took for your parents to create the home you once lived in.
I’m proud of my home. It’s my pride and joy. I may be a neat-freak... but hey - it always looks good!
Oh all the commotion, such a day. Thankfully we had a great team help us out and had everything moved in by noon. Did I mention it was -19! Dear God that was dreadful. After everyone helped us move in, half the team went ice-fishing, lol.
I'm not going to mention all the crap McD and I have gone thru since we moved in... but we have made it thru and hopefully our home is stable now... hopefully our foundation doesn't slide another centimeter, lol
I shouldn't go into detail of the previous owners... but I'm mad at them. They clearly didn't know how to maintain a house. If I run into the dude, a swift kick in the face will be necessary for leaving us with the mess they left behind.
ANYWAY... this is my first blog posting.
Keep in mind, I'm very opinionated... so prepare, lol