Okay, okay, okay...
When I was 16 and got my G1 I had already seen people get their license, buy a car and then lose their car and be in debt for something they didn't have at such a young age. I witnessed my parents struggle for money to pay for the alternator to be fixed when I was 10 years old and always said to myself "not me".
From the age of 8 months to 13 years, I lived in good'ol Point Clark; a.k.a. the Pits of Hell. I call it this because this place really is what Satan would create for moderately offensive people to spend eternity in. The bottom of a hill, along a lake so scummy you can't swim in it on streets called "Adawandran", "Menomini" and the best of all "Kick-A-Poo". Guess what street name I grew up on?? Anyway, another reason for this hell-ish residential living situation - you had to drive 15 minutes to get to a store, work, school, play. So... my parents needed a car in order to provide for their family. Basically anyone living in Kincardine, Point Clark or Ripley need a car for survival.
Watching my parents struggle with car payments, car insurance and fixings made me realize that having a car is not necessary, especially when you live in a city with buses. So I made the choice that as long as it's my responsibility to care, pay, and maintain a car - it wouldn't be mine.
So I've lived a life thus far without a vehicle. Sure when I was 18 I drove around Kincardine like a maniac in the J-to the etta for a few years, listening to 50 Cent and creeping on my tattooo artist, but it was never MINE. I never wanted to take the plunge and pay for a car, I didn't think they were that important.
Since I've been in London, I haven't necessarily had the need to buy one. I either A) Take the bus (this is a whole other story) or B) Darrin drives me around in his sweet automobile. But all of a sudden I realized that I have no independence! Non! If I want to go somewhere I either have to wait around for 15 minutes to get on the bus and be molested (yes, a guy humped me on the bus and a lady also told me to keep my legs closed because she got pregnant and got fat - true stories) or ask Darrin for his permission to use his car. At a certain age - both these become rather saddening that I am 24 years old and cannot make these decisions on my own.
I felt as though I was a kid living with their parents again and asking permission to leave the house. It all made the difference for me when I was offered a full-time permanent position at Western (three weeks ago). All of a sudden I was aware of so many things: A) I'm 24. B) I'm getting married. C) I have job security and a career. D) I have a house. E) I can drink. F) I can be in porno movies if I wanted to. G) I can smoke cigarettes. and H) I can get pregnant and no one's reactions would be "you know you can do something about that", but I don't have a car! I sat and pondered about my situation... when Darrin leaves for his hockey I stay at home... when I want to go visit my family - Darrin has to either A) Give me permission or B) come with me.
It's a hassle for EVERYONE. Not just myself.
So I took the plunge and started looking for a car.
Lessons learned from this experience:
1) You cannot, no matter how hard you try, find a car for $2000 that has been saftied, e-tested and has good kilometres. It just won't happen.
2) A good car that'll get you from A-B without blowing up, costs more than you thought you could handle.
3) The car salesman guy will ask you 13 times in a period of 45 minutes if you want to sign the contract before you've even test-driven the car.
4) The bathrooms in the dealership are strictly for men and they do not consider that women have to sit on the pee-infested toilet seat (have you not been using that thing since you were 3? Learn to aime!)
5) Buying a car takes a minimum of 3 hours for paperwork, filing, questionaires and scenerio talk.
6) Earl, the guy I bought my car from has no front teeth.
7) To never bring your dog with you... he'll think the dealership is his and bark at everyone who walks in the door... for 3 hours... straight...
I feel like such a grown-up now. I walked onto the lot, asked to test-drive a car, was given the keys and went for a spin. And then I got to make the executive decision without consulting anyone. It was amazing! I have wheels now! Wheels of my own that is going to let me have independence!!! Yipee!!!
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